
Minutes & Approval Dates
University-Wide General Education Committee (UWGEC)
- Discussion throughout Fall 2020 semester (meetings bi-weekly)
- 12/14/20 Vote to approve new General Education policies, program, and curriculum. Approved by UWGEC.
- 11/16/22 Discussion of proposed fifth attribute and attribute policy change in UWGEC. Input shared with American Institutions/Civic Learning task force and chair.
- 8/30/23 Discussion and vote on policy change to implement the attributes as graduation requirements in Fall 2026 rather than Fall 2024. Approved by UWGEC.
- Note: Executive Director and OGE support staff attend all UWGEC meetings
Undergraduate Council (UGC)
- 8/25/20 Update and Discussion with Curriculum and Policies Subcommittee
- 1/19/21 Policy Draft Review and Discussion with Curriculum and Policies Subcommittee
- 2/16/21 Policy Revision Discussion with Curriculum and Policies Subcommittee
- 2/23/21 Discussion of GE policies, program, and curriculum with full UGC
- 3/16/21 Discussion of GE Crosswalk (alignment with ABOR policy 2-210) with Curriculum and Policies Subcommittee
- 3/30/21 Discussion of GE crosswalk and policy revisions with full UGC
- 11/29/22 Discussion of proposed fifth attribute and attribute policy change with UGC. Took feedback back to UWGEC and American Institutions/Civic Learning task force and chair.
- 9/12/23 Discussion and vote on policy change to implement the attributes as graduation requirements in Fall 2026 rather than Fall 2024. Approved unanimously by Curriculum and Policies subcommittee.
Heads Up (UA Department Heads and Directors)
- 3/5/20 Provided updates on General Education Refresh to Heads Up Steering Committee
- 8/16/22 Presentation of General Education Connections rollout at Heads Up Fall Forum
Faculty Senate
- 9/14/20 Presentation and discussion
- 4/5/21 Discussion and vote to continue implementation of new GE program
- 10/3/22 October Update presenting GenEd course approval progress
- 11/7/22 November Update and presentation of an early draft of the Crosswalk being prepared for ABOR (presentation postponed by Senate because of lack of time)
- 12/5/22 Discussion of proposed fifth attribute and attribute policy change in UA Faculty Senate (presentation postponed by Senate because of lack of time)
- 1/23/23 Presentation of UA Crosswalk that will be presented to ABOR
ABOR Tri-University Committee on Assessment
- Note: the Tri-University Committee includes General Education leadership from all three universities overseen by ABOR. The committee meets every other week and is currently chaired by the Executive Director at UA
- 3/10/20 Initial meeting of the tri-university committee on assessment, organized by ABOR staff. Determined timeline and order in which universities would proceed with developing and conducting GE assessments.
ABOR Sub-Committee on Academic Affairs and Educational Attainment
- 2/20/20 Discussion with sub-committee and ABOR staff about development of General Education assessments at the three universities
- 5/27/21 Vote to recommend UA General Education Refresh approach and policies to full board (Link to minutes)
- 11/3/22: Tri-university presentation of ABOR report on Written Communication assessment and updates on process (Committee Book; Approved minutes)
- 1/26/23 Presentation of UA Crosswalk, mapping new General Education approach onto ABOR policy 2-210 (Committee Book; Approved minutes)
- 11/2/23 (scheduled) Tri-university presentation of ABOR report on Quantitative Reasoning assessment
- 6/11/21 ABOR votes to approve new General Education program and curriculum (Link to annotated agenda)