Completed / Fully Approved Courses
Two entities are responsible for reviewing General Education course proposals: The University-wide General Education Committee (UWGEC) and Curricular Affairs (CA). The courses below have been approved by UWGEC and CA.
The status of all current Course Proposals can be found with the Course Proposal Tracking Tool. To filter for all approved Course Proposals, select “Catalog Entry Complete” from the Proposal Status filter. Users can also filter by College.
Please see the section about Provisionally Approved Courses for more detailed information about course approval progress.
Completed / Fully Approved (2022)
Building Connections | EP: Artist | EP: Humanist | EP: Natural Scientist | EP: Social Scientist | TOTALS | |
Fall 2022 | 84 | 22 | 51 | 16 | 39 | 212 |
Spring 2022 | 19 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 45 |
TOTALS | 103 | 28 | 57 | 24 | 45 | 257 |
Provisionally Approved Status
Some General Education courses are offered through provisionally approved status in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Provisional approval ensures students in both General Education programs have a broad offering of courses and also enables the University-wide General Education Committee to continue its thorough course proposal review process. Provisional status will not be extended beyond Spring 2023.
Provisional Category | Provisional Definition | BC | EP: Artist | EP: Humanist | EP: Natural Scientist | EP: Social Scientist | TOTALS |
UWGEC Approved | Curricular Affairs Review OR Catalog Entry Pending | 16 | 0 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 30 |
Conditionally Approved/Revisions Required. Not Ready for Curricular Affairs Review | 9 | 0 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 20 | |
Active Review | Slated for Upcoming UWGEC Agenda | 8 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 12 |
Under Review/Not Ready for Vote | 22 | 6 | 9 | 3 | 8 | 48 | |
Inactive Review | Revisions in Progress, or Requested (not returned to date) | 13 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 7 | 33 |
FALL 2022 TOTAL | 68 | 11 | 25 | 12 | 27 | 143 | |
GRAND TOTAL | Fully Approved + Provisionally Approved | 171 | 39 | 82 | 36 | 72 | 400 |
Future Implementation
A call for additional proposals will come out in late Fall 2022 for submission in Spring 2023. This call will include both brand new courses and modifications to existing General Education courses. These course proposals will be routed through department and college committees prior to review by UWGEC.
Please note: these dates indicate when submissions will open. At this point, we do not anticipate closing submissions.
- Oct. 25, 2022: Draft call for new proposals shared with UCAAC, along with data (5-year enrollment trends and course offerings) that support the scope of the call
- Nov. 1, 2022: Call for GE proposals (both new courses and course modifications) goes out to campus
- Nov. 2022: ‘Self-Paced Quick Start, Plus’ opens with multiple targeted workshops and office hours
- Jan. 2023: ‘Quick Start Live-Online’ cohorts begin
- Feb. 2023: Priority submission window opens for GE proposals in specific categories identified in the call for proposals (Review prioritized for Spring 2024 schedule)
- April 2023: Submission window opens for all GE proposals (Review for Fall 2024 schedule)
UNIV Courses
UNIV Courses (UNIV 101 and 301) help students to frame and make sense of their General Education experience. The UNIV Instructional Team represents talent from all over the university, including deans, faculty, administrators, staff, and graduate students.
The Office of General Education is serving its first Fall freshmen cohort and is offering 369 UNIV 101 sections with over 8,600 students enrolled.
Fall 2022 Instructors by College or Campus*
*Honors College count includes UNIV Professors of Practice.
As defined above, the term "instructor" can include deans, faculty, administrators, staff, and graduate students. The numbers below are those instructors who are housed in a particular Colleg e or Campus.
College or Campus | Number of Instructors (Fall '22) |
Arizona Global | 3 |
Arizona Online | 3 |
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences | 4 |
College of Applied Science & Technology | 1 |
College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture | 2 |
College of Education | 7 |
College of Engineering | 1 |
College of Fine Arts | 3 |
College of Humanities | 10 |
College of Medicine | 2 |
College of Nursing | 2 |
College of Science | 8 |
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences | 10 |
College of Veterinary Medicine | 1 |
Eller College of Management | 2 |
James E. Rogers College of Law | 1 |
W.A. Franke Honors College | 17* |
Fall 2022 Instructors by Professional Classification
Classification | Number (Fall '22) |
Instructor (Full- and Part-Time) | 86 |
Staff | 68 |