UArizona's new GE Program will be implemented through a Phased Rollout beginning in Spring 2022. The Soft Launch will initially serve Spring 2022 matriculants. Thereafter, all matriculants will be enrolled in UArizona's new GE program.
Phased Rollout
As the visualization below illustrates, UArizona's new GE program will be accomplished through a Phased Rollout rather than an immediate, "Big Bang" transition. Please note that the visualization does not reflect official projections; instead, the visualization presents the expected pattern of student enrollment in the General Education programs over the next several years.

Spring 2022 Soft Launch
The Office of General Education, in partnership with the University-wide General Education Committee (UWGEC) and Colleges across campus, will oversee a Soft Launch of the new GE program that offers:
seats reserved for Spring 2022 matriculants
Exploring Perspectives & Building Connections courses
different Colleges participating
Additional Information
Below are links to additional information where you can learn more about the history of approval for the new program as well as find an updated list of approved courses in the new General Education program.