Course Proposal Repository

Course proposal repository

What is the course proposal repository?

The Course Proposal Repository provides access to the most up-to-date course proposal form information for Fall 2022 courses. The repository was created to serve as a temporary shared space for instructors and instructional teams to have access to the approved (or provisionally approved) key course elements as part of the new GE curriculum. Watch this short video for a brief orientation and walkthrough of the repository site.

Click the "Repository Box" button below to access the Course Proposal Repository. 

Please contact Katie Southard and/or Ryan Winet if you have any questions or concerns.


All course offerings taught in the new program must follow the structure outlined in the submitted course proposal form. Course proposal forms include the following elements: 

  • General Course Information (Course prefix/number, title, catalog description) 
  • Curriculum Category Selection & Rationale (Exploring Perspectives or Building Connections)
  • Attribute Selection(s) & Rationale
  • GE Student Learning Outcomes
  • Course Objectives*
  • Signature Assignment(s)*
  • Pedagogical Approach*

The elements indicated with (*) may be modified between sections, instructors, modality and can change over time in alignment with responsive teaching practices. Those not indicated with (*) may not change without the submission of a new course modification. Watch this video for a brief orientation to the course proposal form structure.

Click the buttons below for access to support and training. 

Please contact Katie Southard and/or Ryan Winet if you have any questions or concerns.