Courses with a Writing Attribute promote greater facility with written communication across academic, professional, and civic communities. In these courses, teachers help students to:


writing as a process rather than a product


previous writing experiences and transfer writing practices to different types of writing across academic disciplines 


various disciplinary or field-specific writing expectations


General Education recognizes that students write, read, think, and learn in all different languages and it is important to make space in the classroom for all language backgrounds. Instructors are supporting students' linguistic diversity by:


that all writers have more to learn. 


grading based only on grammar or mechanics.


low-stakes assignments.


in reflective writing about student identity and language.


opportunities for feedback and revision


writing as a tool for learning

Required Student Learning Outcome:

Students will demonstrate rhetorical awareness and writing proficiency by writing for a variety of contexts and executing disciplinary genre conventions of organization, design, style, mechanics and citation format while reflecting on their writing development.

Check out the Writing Attribute Initiative: All Writers Have More to Learn in General Education for additional information about the vision and requirements of the GE Writing Attribute. 

Check out the Writing & Learning Project website for additional information, guides, and resources. 
Interested in learning more? Sign up to for the Quick Start (training for course approval).