The General Education Quick Start is designed for instructors seeking to propose a course to the new General Education Program. Two modalities are offered to accommodate preferred learning pathways and busy schedules: the Self-Paced Quick Start and the Quick Start Live-Online



the key elements of the General Education Refresh vision, curriculum, and key features


course components with GE curriculum components according to fit


components of courses that align with GE requirements and those that may need re-tooling or additional support


key elements of the signature assignment and reflect on ways to meaningfully incorporate it into course structure


learning to transitioning course design elements through exploring the new GE course proposal form

Self-Paced Quick Start

  • This Is a module-based, self-paced introduction to the GE vision, curriculum and features for instructors preparing courses for the new General Education program. 
  • Has been intentionally designed for flexible levels of engagement
  • At a quick pace, one could browse the materials in 1-2 hrs. At an in-depth pace, instructors can expect each module to take roughly 1-2 hours, with a total of 6 modules.
To register:
  1. Log in to D2L at:
  2. Click the Discover link located at the top left side of the screen and search for General Education Self-Paced Quick Start 
  3. Once you find the course, select and click Enroll in Course. (If you cannot find the course through Discover, this means you have previously registered for the course and can click on the direct link in Step 4 for access)
  4. You can either click Open Course or use this direct link: 
  5. We highly recommend "pinning" the course to your D2L homepage for easy access. 

Having trouble getting registered? Contact Katie Southard (

design scrabble pieces

Quick Start Live-Online

  • This is an intensive, cohort-based mini-course that will enable instructors to rapidly adapt their course for the new GE program.
  • Will provide the same information and materials as the self-paced Quick Start with the addition of collaborative workshops led by faculty and staff in the GE Office. 
  • Encompasses four weeks with synchronous and asynchronous engagements throughout the week.
    • Asynchronous course components will cover the new curriculum and course proposal form preparation requirements.
    • Synchronous live-online sessions provide opportunity for Instructors to ask questions, troubleshoot, and workshop materials with colleagues who are knowledgeable about the new GE curriculum. 
Upcoming Live-Online Dates: 
  • Spring 2025 Cohort: Running through the month of February 
  • Fall 2025 Cohort: Running through the month of September (live-session times TBD). Contact Katie ( if you are interested in pre-registration. 
To register: 

Please contact Katie Southard for registration.