Description: GE Office hours and support sessions are available to support you, in whatever area is most useful to you! Set up a time to:
- Discuss assignment design
- Request an observation or in-class support/feedback
- Get feedback on your course proposal form before submitting
- Talk through teaching and learning in your course
- Ask questions about the program or teaching in General Education
Multiple opportunities are offered for instructors to stop in. Please register through calendly.com/geofficehours or by directly contacting one of the instructional support team members or affiliate specialists below.
- Katie Southard, PhD: Director of Instructional Support (ksouthard@arizona.edu)
- Treya Allen, EdD: Instructional Support for Intentional Design Coordinator (treya@arizona.edu)
- Audrey J. T. Kahn, PhD: High Impact Practices (HIPs) and Student Experience in Gen Ed Coordinator (ajtocco@arizona.edu)
- Emily Jo Schwaller, PhD: Writing Attribute Specialist (UCATT/WAC) (emilyjoschwaller@arizona.edu)
- Anh Dang, MA: Signature Assignment and Writing Attribute Specialist (GE/UCATT/WAC) (anhdang@arizona.edu)
Contact: Please contact Katie Southard with any office hour questions or registration issues.

Description: GE Office hours are a great place to pop in and ask specific questions. Multiple opportunities are offered for instructors to stop in. At this time Office Hours are through appointment only. Please contact a member of the Instructional Support Team to set up an appointment:
- Katie Southard, PhD: Director of Instructional Support (ksouthard@arizona.edu(link sends e-mail))
- Emily Jo Schwaller, PhD: Coordinator of High Impact Practices and Instructional Technology (emilyjoschwaller@arizona.edu(link sends e-mail))
- Treya Allen, PhD: Coordinator of DEI Instructional Support (treya@arizona.edu(link sends e-mail))
Contact: Please contact Katie Southard (ksouthard@email.arizona.edu(link sends e-mail)) with any office hour questions or registration issues.