
10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Aug. 8 – 12, 2022

Syllabus Work Week 2022

Syllabus Work Week Visual

Workshop Your Syllabus with Daily Recommendations on Intentional, Learner-Centered Components 

Join consultants from UCATT (formerly OIA) and the Office of General Education for daily webinars and optional afternoon consultation hours designed for instructors who would like to engage in an iterative syllabus revision process aimed at effectively communicating learner-centered, inclusive course design and pedagogy. Instructors involved in the GE Refresh are encouraged to participate, and each webinar will include a brief breakout session specific to this group.

Dates/Time: Five sessions, 10-11am (AZ time). August 8-12th on Zoom 

Includes: 1) 30 min presentation 2) 30 min Q&A and/or worktime 

Plus: Optional follow-up office hours: noon-4:00pm each day. 


Monday: Communicating Logic and Alignment  

Tuesday: Composing with the Learner in Mind  

Wednesday: Increasing Equity and Transparency  

Thursday: Making Policies Meaningful for Students  

Friday: Guided Peer Review Session 


Please register here: https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1XkKHX557WGu0my   



Katie Southard