The University-wide General Education Committee (UWGEC) and Curricular Affairs serve different roles and observe different deadlines. 


Role: UWGEC reviews general education course proposals (modifications AND new courses) for alignment with the general education curriculum. 

Cadence: UWGEC meets biweekly during the Fall and Spring semesters. UWGEC reviews proposals on a first proposed, first reviewed basis.

Composition: UWGEC is composed of faculty from across the university. UWGEC is divided into several subgroups in order facilitate more efficient initial review of courses.   

Curricular Affairs

Role: Curricular Affairs is responsible for ensuring that a course aligns with university-wide policies and that related materials (such as the syllabus) are internally coherent. 

Cadence: Curricular Affairs deadlines typically take place six months before a course can be offered. For instance, a course that will be offered in Summer / Fall 2024 should be received by Curricular Affairs no later than December 2023. Specific deadlines can be found on the Curricular Affairs "Dates and Deadlines" page

Composition: Curricular Affairs is composed of staff who work throughout the year.