Assessment Hub header SKETCH

 Assessment is essential to maintaining a quality General Education program for our students. We use evidence from our assessments to reflect on our program and make continual revisions for improvement. The University of Arizona's assessment plan for General Education includes:

Assessment of Learning

  • Assessment of student learning through instruments developed in collaboration with Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University to fulfill the requirements of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) General Education policy;
  • Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes for the UArizona General Education Program (listed below).

Assessment of Instruction

  • Review of course proposals for General Education by the University-Wide General Education Committee (UWGEC), including recertification of courses in the General Education program every five years; 
  • Formative assessment of instruction through reviews of teaching (process to be determined by UWGEC)

ABOR Assessment of Student Learning 

The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) requires that the three state universities collaborate on the design of assessments of student learning. Subject matter and assessment experts from all three universities have met continuously since April 2020 to work on designing the assessments, starting with Written Communication. They will be launched in consecutive years and then rotated in order so that one assessment is conducted each year and reported to the Regents on an ongoing basis. The assessed areas of student learning are:

Written Communication

Quantitative Reasoning

Critical Thinking

Civic Knowledge

A draft of a Monopoly board that simulates the assessment cycle.