Audrey J. T. Kahn, Ph.D.

Coordinator of High Impact Practices (HIPs) and Student Experience

I consider myself a lifelong learner and enjoy having conversations about teaching and learning in all contexts. My M.A. and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology underlie the foundation of my educational philosophy, which focuses on facilitating student learning through authentic experiences and helping students apply what they learn in the classroom to their lives. I also draw on my B.S. in Neuroscience and Behavior when considering aspects of teaching and learning such as cognitive load, cognitive development, neural plasticity, and memory. These passions have led me to create and facilitate instructor development focused on incorporating High Impact Practices (HIPs) and research-based instructional strategies into college courses. I am very excited to support instructors in General Education as they incorporate HIPs into their courses in addition to gaining a deeper understanding of students’ experiences in general education.