Join us for the upcoming webinar series Exploring Quantitative Reasoning Across the Curriculum: Gen Ed and Beyond! Hosted by the Office of General Education.
Monday, November 4th (2-3pm): What is Quantitative Reasoning Across the Curriculum? National Conversations and Practical Applications in our General Education Curriculum
Interested in learning more about supporting your students in developing their skills related to analyzing quantitative information, generating and communicating ideas supported by evidence and assessing data relevance and implications? Please join us for an interactive webinar to learn about cutting-edge national conversations about quantitative reasoning across the curriculum and how these efforts have informed the UA General Education curriculum.
Wednesday, November 6th (2-3pm): Quantitative Reasoning in Different Places and Spaces in General Education
Interested in learning about innovative ways to incorporate quantitative reasoning (QR) into a wide range of course topics and disciplinary spaces? Join us to learn about examples of integrating QR in courses for deepening our understanding of the human experience, sparking student interest in the natural sciences, and engaging students in authentic assignment design to support students’ exploration of quantitative reasoning across Gen Ed!
Stay tuned for future sessions regarding this topic at institutional and national levels!
Contact: Katie Southard with any questions.